Thursday, February 7, 2008

To fly or not

"Vatican City is the latest to join the green crusade, recently announcing that it is becoming the world's first carbon-neutral country. Pope Benedict XVI will reportedly identify climate change action as a moral obligation in an encyclical next spring. But there's one area in which the Vatican is increasing its carbon footprint—the sky. The Vatican has launched a low-cost airline service for pilgrims to Roman Catholic shrines. In Europe today—and in the United States tomorrow—air travel is where the battle for climate action is happening.

In Britain, where the environmentalist opposition to air travel is strongest, groups with names like Plane Stupid, LowFlyZone, and the Campaign for Better Transport argue that flying "physically and spiritually" disconnects us from the earth and those who live in it. "

γράφει ο Evan Sparks. Αυτός και αν είναι ιερός πόλεμος! Ενόψει της πύκνωσης στην Ευρώπη των φθηνώ΄ν αεροπορικών ταξιδιών, είτε για διακοπές φθηνές στην..Βουλγαρία, είτε για να δουλέψουν πχ οι Πολωνοί στο ..Δουβλίνο, εκφράζονται βάσιμοι φόβοι για την αντίστοιχη πύκνωση εκπομπής καυσαερίων.